New Hampshire Republican Primary Election 2012

New Hampshire voters have seemed to live to upset presidential campaign expectations. They have shown a habit of rewarding mavericks, upstarts and poll laggards. Yet for most of this year, the Granite State has appeared to be fairly solidly behind Mitt Romney, who has a vacation home in the state and a strong campaign organization there as well. An endorsement from the influential Union-Leader newspaper of Manchester for Newt Gingrich, coming just as Mr. Gingrich began surging in polls, could upend Mr. Romney’s apparent dominance. Former Gov. Jon M. Huntsman Jr. of Utah, a dark horse who has made an all-or-nothing bet on the state, has been gradually rising in polls, but still lags the front-runners.

Acerca de Nicolás Tereschuk (Escriba)

"Escriba" es Nicolás Tereschuk. Politólogo (UBA), Maestría en Sociologìa Económica (IDAES-UNSAM). Me interesa la política y la forma en que la política moldea lo económico (¿o era al revés?).

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