Racist Taunt Gets Attendees Evicted at Convention

Racist Taunt Gets Attendees Evicted at Convention
Posted on Aug 29, 2012
Two attendees at the Republican National Convention were removed from the grounds after tossing nuts at a black camera operator for CNN and saying, “This is how we feed animals,” the network said.
The incident occurred some time after Mitt Romney was nominated as the Republican candidate in the 2012 presidential election. As Talking Points Memo’s David Taintor pointed out, “Remarkably few details about the particulars of the incident have emerged.”
—Posted by Alexander Reed Kelly. Follow him on Twitter: @areedkelly.

CNN, convention organizers, the RNC, and the managers of the venue itself have all either declined to provide more information about what exactly happened or have referred questions to one of the other entities involved.
It remains unknown whether the two attendees were delegates to the convention, which state delegation they were members of, whether they were forcibly removed from the arena, whether their convention credentials have been revoked, or whether they will be back in attendance today.
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