Un comentario en «Can Republicans win by opposing Obama?»

  1. Comentario de un lector a esta nota:

    «Republicans are in a very difficult position; to win they have to move to the center. But moving to the center means going against Rush Limbaugh and all the conservative radio talk shows, and they are going to smash any Republican who is “not conservative enough”. With 10 to 12 hour of radio programming a day conservative radio have the power to move Repubicans to the far right.
    I think Conservative Radio Talk Shows are a contraproductive force for Republicans. After all Radio is a business and they exist to entertain and make money, but at the expense of the Republicans. Republicans will be better off paying Rush Limbaugh and other like him to keep from screwing up their political efforts.
    I have no doubts they will take the money and run.»


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